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School/Work fun?Have there ever been a moment for you when oh so boring work/school is actually fun? I have one. This is the only one there is from me.

OK, so our school is going to a museum. I came across a very cool shop that sells weapons. ( quite expensive, $75 ). In case you are wondering, the weapon is an ancient native Australian club cheap coach purses. It's very strong. I kept smashing stuff with it and it hardly even dent. and what I mean by real weapons are my sword/knife/club collection. Look, you DON'T smuggle weapons to school, ESPECIALLY BOMBS as that is STUPID.

DJ Radio5 years agoReply

I used to have a fun moment every day at school. That would be every third period, when I played halo with the other classmates (I had the fastest computer on the back wall). I would pwn em or come close because of a shee noob's reign of terror (usually it was me who killed them). Then they uninstalled halo except on one computer, where they put halo full on it cheap coach purses. I have no way of getting trial back on because they block all the sites where I can get it from, and I cant get my CD and install full on it because the DVD drive is broken.

The Jamalam6 years agoReply

Well, school is fun cos we muck around a bit, but my most fun moment was when me and my friend nearly got left in the isle of wight. Basically, me and my friend shared a room. i went to the toilet and asked my friend to tell me anything that i missed. Unfortunately, he went to the toilet too when i went, so we didnt know what we were doing cheap coach purses online outlet. (He didnt tell me this till we were on the coach). We were supposed to go down to say thanks to the hotel people, but we stayed in our room, because we were expecting our headmistresses whistle to call us. Apparently, the coach had traveled half a mile before they counted us, and noticed 2 were missing (me and my friend) they drove back to the hotel, and coincidently, when our headmistress came to look, My friend and I went to look too, and we stuck our heads round the door and my friend said the immortal words: "Have we missed it?" That photo of us with that caption remains in our headmistresses office to this day!


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